Pool Party

Okay, maybe not. BUT the kids did enjoy themselves immensely! The pool we bought was much smaller than we intended but that's what we get for not reading the box. Ah well, fun was had and that's all that matters is it not?

The picture of Ian and his friend Joey in that very small pool just cracks me up!


Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa...I saw your comments at manaic mom's site and noticed that you mentioned that your son has Muscular dystrophy. Can I ask which type?

My son, now 20 years old, also has Muscular dystrophy. He has Duchenne's. He has been attending college at the University of Florida. He is not on a trach and is doing ok for someone his age w/ DMD.

How old is your son now? If that is ok for me to ask.

you can email me if u like: deebird611@cox.net.

Safe hugz,
A Mom's Journey

Anonymous said...

You have been selected by THE MOM'S JOURNEY to recieve the LOVELY BLOG AWARD.

Come by my blog to recieve your award ...& don't forget to share it with your favorite bloggers!

Safe hugz,
A Mom's Journey

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